Solitary Bee House Set-Up Guide

What Bee's Need

Pollen:  Bees need pollen to survive, so be sure to place your bee house close enough to pollen producing plants such as a flowering garden, flowering trees or a natural flowering space. 

Fun Fact: Bees will not normally travel more than 300' for pollen. 

Clay / Mud:  Mud is vital to a mason bee's nesting process. They use a clay type mud to cap their nesting tubes, without it they won't nest in your yard.

NOTE: If your yard does not offer this you can purchase a clay mud mix online. 

What Bee's Do Not Need

Chemicals:  This is an easy one.  Do not place your bee house in an area where herbicides, insecticides and/or pesticides are used.  These things are not good for our pollinating friends and detrimental to their health so try to limit their exposure as much as possible!

Location, Location, Location

Directions:  The opening of your bee house should face East or Southeast.  

Fun Fact:  Bees like early morning sun, it helps them get up and go earlier and the warmth the sun provides helps them fly.

Height:  The bee house should be placed 3' - 6' off the ground. 5' - 6' is really the ideal height for them to perch.


Be sure to securely attach your bee house to a post or building (something sturdy).  Bees are not a fan of their home swinging or swaying in the breeze.


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